Formed                    3rd - 5th centuries C.E.
                        Roman-Latin Empire
                          God (Trinity)
Sacred Texts

Roman Catholicism is a worldwide religious tradition of some 1.1 billion members. It traces its history to Jesus of Nazareth, an itinerant preacher in the area around Jerusalem during the period of Roman occupation, in the early 30s of the Common Era. Its members congregate in a communion of churches headed by bishops, whose role originated with the disciples of Jesus. Over a period of some decades after Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, the bishops spread out across the world to form a "universal" (Greek, katholikos) church, with the bishop of Rome (traced to the apostle Peter) holding primacy. Today Vatican City — and specifically, Saint Peter's Basilica — stands over the grave of Peter, and the pope is considered Peter's successor. Catholic Christianity began as a persecuted religious community, illegal in the Roman Empire in its earliest days, but within some three hundred years and with the conversion of the Emperor Constantine, it became legal and eventually was recognized as the official religion of the Empire. With the decline and fall of Rome in the 5th century, the Roman Church assumed both temporal and spiritual authority in the West; it thus had enormous influence on the development of the art and culture of the western world through the Middle Ages. Today, its growth is fastest in Africa, South America, and Asia.

Quick Fact Details:

  • Formed: The exact date of the beginning of the Roman Catholic Church is indeterminable. While the belief system recognized as Christianity is in place by the first century, institutional structures developed over time. Nor is it possible to distinguish Catholicism as a separate tradition until it can be differentiated from other Christian traditions (most notably, Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism).  Scholars recognize a variety of significant institutional, theological, and cultural markers in this development:
    • 325 — Council of Nicea. The first post-apostolic ecumenical council of the Christian community at which Church leaders formed a creedal statement of belief recognized universally.
    • 381 — First Council of Constantinople. This council amended and ratified the Nicene Creed, resulting in the version used by Christian churches around the world.
    • 440-461 — Pope Leo I. Many historians suggest that Pope Leo is the first to claim universal jurisdiction over the worldwide Church, thus initiating the rise of the papacy, a uniquely Roman Catholic structure. 
    • 451 — The Council of Chalcedon. This is the first occasion of an institutional division within Christianity, as those who did not adhere to the conclusions of the Council (referred to as Oriental Orthodox) separated.
    • 1054 — The Great Schism. Though the Eastern and Western branches of the Church had long been divided over theological, cultural, linguistic, and ecclesiological disputes, the separation was formalized in 1054, thus creating the first large-scale division within Christendom.
    • 16th century — The term "Roman Catholic" is not generally used until the Protestant Reformation, and some historians see the Council of Trent (1545-1563) as a centralizing movement within Catholicism that enhanced the authority of Rome.
  • Sacred Texts: The Roman Catholic Church includes in the Old Testament several deuterocanoncial books that Protestants rejected. The New Testament is the same as that used by Christians everywhere.
4/28/2012 02:02:51 am

I am a Roman Catholic and I'm proud of it. But it doesn't matter whatever religion you belong to cause what matter is your "faith" to God our creator or Allah to Islam or whatever you call them in other religion. In every religion we have different beliefs but we should not forget that we are all brothers whatever religion we belong to.

4/28/2012 03:09:29 am

It is known to most of us that catholicism was merely the most influencial and most dominant religion in terms of followers not only in the Philippines but also around the world. Of course, Roman Catholics execute their beliefs, teach them to their offsprings, and even more spread it. But also, most of the Catholics themselves do not know how the Catholic churches originated. I therefore conclude that this article is very helpful for the Catholics for them to know a brief history of the churches they are attending.
Another exciting fact was about the bishops. They were known to be successors of Peter because bishops were then conceptualize to the disciples of Jesus Christ. They were then spread out across the world to preach the teachings of the Lord. They were tasked to extend their hands to those who are in need of Lord's wisdom and words. They became the instrument of Jesus to spraed His teachings and His righteousness. This then maybe the beginning of the establishment of the Catholic churches. Until it was known by the people little by little and then pass on the teachings and the traditions of having a mass.
The religion back then was known to be illegal. But as time goes by, it was then accepted by Romans and they became a follower of this religion. They were also responsible for the spread of the said religion. Until now, Rome holds a great responsibility in maintaining the art of the religion. In there, the rise of papacy happened. The spread of the religion took placed in there.

The importance on giving emphasis when the church has begun was obtained. Everyone should know that no one knows how it started because it may be another point of issue for those who wanted to step on the limelight. It was made sure by this article that no one has the right to claim that they or their ancestors built the church and created a legacy.
The arrangement of the ideas were justified. Likewise, the events were arranged in chronological order in which they can be easily understand by the readers.
For the content, I think it should be specified there the sources or where the informations came from, if there is such.They shall be recognize because it is necessary for the readers to know the sites in case they want to know more about the matter.


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    April 2012

